Have you ever prayed to be free of a negative, (maybe even destructive), character trait? I know I have. In fact I’ve had to pray many times. First you drop your defenses–your reasons for holding onto the trait in the first place. Then you make room in your heart to let God’s presence displace the unwanted trait. And you keep on making room in your heart for God until your heart is scrubbed clean.

When your heart is clean you feel different. Better. More alive. Because you are.

Well if you like redemption stories you’ll like this one. Here Christian Science Chaplain John tells of a man considered a “hardened criminal”– facing up to 30 years in a California State Prison. He explains what happens when God changes this man’s heart.

In fact the redemptive changes were so profound the man’s own wife barely recognized him after he began praying. But more than that his clean heart opened the way for his sentence to be overturned, freeing the man.

Are there “wrongs” in your life that need to be over-turned? Then take heart. Because as this video shows, God is waiting for the opportunity to show you the way to freedom too.

Feel free to leave a comment or tell your own story. We’d love to hear from you.

Editor, LightInPrison.org